Setting Paragraph, Recognizing Paragraphs, and Getting Recognition Results
Execute paragraph recognition using an instance of the paragraph recognition class. After setting the document image and paragraph, create a normalized image and then perform recognition.
// Perform paragraph recognition
    int mrecognize(unsigned long chartype1, unsigned long chartype2);
// When recognizing forcibly as one character per paragraph
    int mrecognize1char(unsigned long chartype1, unsigned long chartype2);
    // Input:
    unsigned long chartype1; // Character type filter 1
                            // CHAR_SET_ALL, CHAR_SET_ENGLISH, CHAR_SET_NUMBERALL, and combinations of others
    unsigned long chartype2; //     Character type filter 2
                             //     Specify 0 or CHAR_SET_ASCII
                             //     Characters other than those specified by chartype1 will not be included in the result
                             //     By specifying CHAR_SET_ASCII with chartype2, only ASCII characters will be recognized.
                             //     Recognition rate and speed will also increase
                             //     Return value:
                             //     0.................Normal termination
                             //     MEMORY_SHORTAGE...Insufficient memory

// Get recognition results
    int mgetresult(int& resultnum, OCRResult* pocrresult);
                             // Input:
                             // int& resultnum; Size of the OCRResult structure array
                             // OCRResult* pocrresult; OCRResult structure array
                             // Output:
                             // int& resultnum; Number of elements in the result array
                             // OCRResult* pocrresult; OCRResult structure array
                             // Return value:
                             // 0...Normal termination
                             // BUFFER_OVERFLOW.....Buffer overflow
                             // In this case, the actual result is not included, but the number of elements required for the structure array will be returned in resultnum.
                             // If you specify NULL for pocrresult, you can simply get the number of results.
                             // Even if BUFFER_OVERFLOW occurs, there will be no side effects, so you can call it repeatedly as many times as you like.

#include	"ocrdef.h"
#include	"ocrco.h"
#include	"cjocrstock.h"
#include	"cjocrdict98.h"
#include	"cjocrpat98.h"
#include	"cjocrrec98.h"
#include	"cjocrline98.h"
#include	"cjocrlang.h"
#include	"cjocrblock.h"
#include	"errcode.h"
// Create pattern class
CJocrPattern* pattern = new CJocrPattern;
int ret = pattern->mallocmemory();
if (ret < 0) {
	printf("Pattern class memory allocation error");
	delete pattern;
// Create dictionary class
CJocrDict* pjocrdict = new CJocrDict;
ret = pjocrdict->mloaddict();
if (ret < 0) {
	delete pjocrdict;
	delete pattern;
// Create single character recognition class
CJocrRecognize* precognize = new CJocrRecognize;
// Initialize single character recognition class
ret = precognize->mallocmemory();
if (ret < 0) {
	delete precognize;
	delete pjocrdict;
	delete pattern;
// Create line recognition class with language processing
CJocrLang* pjocrlang = new CJocrLang;
// Create paragraph recognition class
CJocrBlock* pjocrblock = new CJocrBlock;
pjocrblock->msetprocess(PREPROCESS_INSIDE); // Exclude primitives that touch the frame
// Set document
pjocrblock->msetdocument(mdata, mwidth, mheight);
pjocrblock->msetdpi(400); // Resolution 400dpi
// Set paragraph
// Set block
OCRBlock	ocrblock;
ocrblock.baseline.x1 = 100;
ocrblock.baseline.y1 = 100;
ocrblock.baseline.x2 = 300;
ocrblock.baseline.y2 = 200;
ocrblock.thickness = 100;
// Baseline is (100,100)-(300,200)
// Line height is 100
// Background 0
// Set horizontal block
pjocrblock->msetblock(ocrblock, atan2(ocrblock.baseline.y2 - ocrblock.baseline.y1, ocrblock.baseline.x2 - ocrblock.baseline.x1), 0, 0);
// Create normalized image
ret = pjocrblock->mregularize();
if (ret < 0) {
	delete pjocrblock;
	delete pjocrlang;
	delete precognize;
	delete pjocrdict;
	delete pattern;
// Recognize paragraph
ret = pjocrblock->mrecognize(CHAR_SET_ALL, 0); // Recognize all character types
if (ret < 0) {
	delete pjocrblock;
	delete pjocrlang;
	delete precognize;
	delete pjocrdict;
	delete pattern;

// Get recognition result
int resultnum;
mgetresult(resultnum, NULL);
// Allocate a buffer of size result × sizeof(OCRResult)
OCRResult* pocrresult = malloc(sizeof(OCRResult) * resultnum);
if (pocrresult) {
	pjocrblock->mgetresult(resultnum, pocrresult);
// pocrresult[i].cand[0].code contains the recognition result of each character or
// line break code 0x0d, 0x0a as line separator.
delete pjocrblock;
delete pjocrlang;
delete precognize;
delete pjocrdict;
delete pattern;