Loading the set dictionary
Load all the set dictionaries. For faster processing, the dictionaries are loaded into memory. It may take a few seconds, so it is desirable to show a wait cursor or a message indicating that the dictionary is being loaded.

	int mloaddict();
	Return value
		0..................Normal completion
		MEMORY_SHORTAGE...Memory shortage
		FILE_OPEN_ERROR....File open error
		FILE_READ_ERROR....File read error
		FILE_SEEK_ERROR....File seek error
		FATAL_ERROR........Fatal error

#include	"ocrdef.h"
#include	"ocrco.h"
#include	"cjocrstock.h"
#include	"cjocrdict98.h"
#include	"errcode.h"
CJocrDict* pjocrdict = new CJocrDict;
int ret = pjocrdict->mloaddict();
if(ret == 0) {
	printf("Dictionary loaded successfully");
else {
	printf("Dictionary load error");
delete pjocrdict;