Get Pattern Image
Get the pattern image at the current seek position in the user dictionary.

	int mgetpattern(UINT32& recordsize, char* record);
	UINT32& recordsize;	size of the record buffer
	                    UINT32 is unsigned int
	char* record;		buffer to receive the record
	UINT32& recordsize;	size of the retrieved record
	Return Value:
	1.....successful retrieval
	0.....not found
	 Negative value....BUFFER_OVERFLOW
	                    The size of the pattern exceeds recordsize.
	                    In this case, the actual record size is assigned
	                    to recordsize and returned.
48 x 48 pixels is the standard size for NGKOCR normalization. Since the image is 1 pixel per bit, a buffer of 288 bytes is required (48 x 48 / 8). The size of the pattern image is defined as REG_FONT_SIZE in ocrdef.h.
#include "ocrdef.h"
#include "ocrco.h"
#include "cjocrstock.h"
#include "cjocrdict98.h"
#include "errcode.h"
CJocrDict* pjocrdict = new CJocrDict;
int ret = pjocrdict->mloaddict();
if (ret < 0) {
ret = pjocrdict->mseekhead();
if (ret < 0) {
else if (ret == 0) {
	printf("No record in the user dictionary");
else {
	UINT32 recordsize = REG_FONT_SIZE;	// size of the record buffer
	char record[KEYSIZE_MAX];			// buffer to receive the record
	ret = pjocrdict->mgetpattern(recordsize, record);
	if (ret < 0) {
	else {
		// the pattern of 48 x 48 pixels is in the record
delete pjocrdict;