Feature Calculation in Pattern Class
Initialize the pattern class and calculate the features.

    int mallocmemory();
	Return Value
	0.................Normal completion
	MEMORY_SHORTAGE...Insufficient memory
	void mcalcall(OCRBuffer* pocrbuffer,OCRRect* prect,int background);
	OCRBuffer	aocrbuffer;
				top......Address of the image buffer
				width ...Width of the image buffer (byte boundary, in pixels)
				height...Height of the image buffer (in pixels)
	OCRRect		arect;
				x1...Top left X-coordinate of the pattern
				y1...Top left Y-coordinate of the pattern
				x2...Bottom right X-coordinate of the pattern
				y2...Bottom right Y-coordinate of the pattern
	int			background;
				0...Background is bit 0
				1...Background is bit 1

#include	"ocrdef.h"
#include	"ocrco.h"
#include	"cjocrpat98.h"
#include	"errcode.h"
CJocrPattern*	pattern = new CJocrPattern;
ret = pattern->mallocmemory();
if(ret < 0) {
	printf("Pattern class memory allocation error");
else {
	OCRBuffer	ocrbuffer;
	OCRRect		ocrrect;
	ocrbuffer.top = gbuffer;	// Address of the image buffer
	ocrbuffer.width = 1024;		// Width of the image buffer (pixels)
	ocrbuffer.height = 1024;	// Height of the image buffer (pixels)

	ocrrect.x1 = 100;
	ocrrect.y1 = 100;
	ocrrect.x2 = 300;
	ocrrect.y2 = 300;
	// Calculate the features
    pattern->mcalcall(&ocrbuffer,&ocrrect,0);	// Background is set to 0
delete pattern