Recognition, Identification, and Acquisition of Recognition Results
Recognition using an instance of the 1-Character Recognition Class

// Recognition
    void mrecognize(unsigned long afilter);
	unsigned long afilter;			Character type filter
		Only characters specified by 'afilter' will be included in the result
	     For details about character type filters, refer to the Reference Manual 2-1
		Recognition accuracy and speed will also improve
// Identification
// Checks for mistakes between similar characters
// Calling this after recognition will improve recognition accuracy
	void mdiscriminate();
// Acquisition of recognition results
	void mgetresult(OCRResult* presult);
	OCRResult* presult;				Pointer to OCRResult structure

pattern is an instance of the initialized CJocrPattern class
precognize is an instance of the initialized CJocrRecognize class
#include	"ocrdef.h"
#include	"ocrco.h"
#include	"cjocrstock.h"
#include	"cjocrdict98.h"
#include	"cjocrpat98.h"
#include	"cjocrrec98.h"
#include	"errcode.h"
	OCRBuffer	ocrbuffer;
	OCRRect		ocrrect; = gbuffer;	// Start address of the image buffer
	ocrbuffer.width = 1024;		// Width of the image buffer (pixels)
	ocrbuffer.height = 1024;	// Height of the image buffer (pixels)

	ocrrect.x1 = 100;
	ocrrect.y1 = 100;
	ocrrect.x2 = 300;
	ocrrect.y2 = 300;
	// Calculation of pattern features
    pattern->mcalcall(&ocrbuffer,&ocrrect,0);	// Assuming the background is 0
	OCRResult	ocrresult;