CJocrPrim class raster editing commands

Table of Contents
  1. Overview
  2. Preparing for Raster Editing
  3. Deleting Primitives
  4. Inserting Primitives
  5. Moving Primitives
  6. Separating Primitives (Zero Gap)
  7. Separating Primitives (One-pixel Gap)


CJocrPrim class now supports raster editing functionality.
Initially, this functionality was supported by subclasses. However, in order to facilitate users who are developing and using their own subclasses of CJocrPrim class, the support has been changed to be provided by the root class itself, CJocrPrim.
To use the raster editing, you need to first allocate a primitive buffer for editing, and then use the commands for primitive deletion, insertion, movement, and disconnecting.
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1 Preparation for Raster Editing

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The buffer used for raster editing is specified in terms of the number of primitives. This should be done before the first makeprim call.
Since each primitive requires only 28 bytes of memory, you can specify a few thousand to a few million.
If the number of inserted primitives exceeds the buffer and causes a buffer overflow, you will need to:
  1. Save the current buffer using the undo function.
  2. Expand the buffer, re-execute makeprim, and restore the buffer.
Although this process is inefficient, it can be managed.

// Set the upper limit of the number of insertable primitives
// If the limit is reached, an error will be returned by medit_insert or medit_separate
// In such cases, discard the class temporarily, re-create it, then call msetinsertmax and re-insert
// Input:
//      int         insertmax;      The default value is 0. In a typical A3, 400dpi Japanese document, 10000 is sufficient.
    void            msetinsertmax(int insertmax){minsertmax = insertmax;}
Sample code
#include    "ocrdef.h"
#include    "ocrco.h"
#include    "cjocrprim.h"
#include    "errcode.h"
// Specify a 20-digit code supplied by the license manager or the path to a license code file to initialize the library
CJocrPrim* pjocrprim = new CJocrPrim("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQ23456");
// If using a license code file path: CJocrPrim* prim = new CJocrPrim("C:\\Program Files\\Foo\\primitive.kcd");
pjocrprim->msetdocument(mdata,0,mwidth,mheight);      // Background is 0, foreground is 1 in the monochrome image
ret = pjocrprim->makeprim();
if(ret < 0) {
delete pjocrprim;
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2 Delete Primitives

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This function deletes the specified primitive or all primitives belonging to the specified cluster.
You can also specify whether to reflect the changes in the original image or not.

// Delete primitive/cluster
// Input
//   int        flag;       1...reflect changes in the image data/0...don't reflect changes
//	 PRIMITIVE* prim;       primitive (don't make a copy, use the address)
// Return
//   0          normal termination
//   negative   error
	int				medit_delete(int flag,PRIMITIVE* prim);
	int				medit_delete(int flag,CLUSTER* pcluster);
Sample code
#include    "ocrdef.h"
#include    "ocrco.h"
#include    "cjocrprim.h"
#include    "errcode.h"
// Initialize the library by specifying the 20-digit code supplied by the licenser or the path to the license code file
CJocrPrim* pjocrprim = new CJocrPrim("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQ23456");
// If using the license code path, use CJocrPrim* prim = new CJocrPrim("C:\\Program Files\\Foo\\primitive.kcd");
pjocrprim->msetdocument(mdata,0,mwidth,mheight);      // Monochrome image with background 0 and foreground 1
ret = pjocrprim->makeprim();
if(ret < 0) {
// 1...Select primitives or extract clusters
// 2...Delete selected primitives and reflect changes in the original image
int i1 = pjocrprim->medit_delete(1,prim);
if(i1 < 0) {
delete pjocrprim;
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2 Primitive Insertion

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The primitive to be inserted is created by creating an instance of another CJocrPrim using makeprim, etc. It is also possible to obtain the new address of the inserted primitive. You can also specify whether or not to reflect it in the original image. Even if the inserted primitive overlaps with other primitives in the insertion destination, they are separated as separate primitives in the data.

// Insert a primitive (if this is pjocrprim, it will be a copy)
// Input
//   int        flag;        1...Reflect in the image data/0...Do not reflect
//   CJocrPrim* pjocrprim;   The instance of CJocrPrim to which the prim belongs
//   PRIMITIVE* prim;        Primitive (copy is not allowed because the address is used)
//   CLUSTER*   pcluster;    Cluster (copy is not allowed because the address is used)
//   int        left, top;    Destination of movement
// Output
//   PRIMITIVE*&priminsert;  Address of the inserted primitive
// Return Value
//   0          Normal termination
//   Negative   Error
    int                medit_insert(int flag,CJocrPrim* pjocrprim,PRIMITIVE* prim,int left,int top,PRIMITIVE*& priminsert);
    int                medit_insert(int flag,CJocrPrim* pjocrprim,CLUSTER* pcluster,int left,int top);
// Clusterize all primitives
// Used for rendering and cluster movement
    int                mallprim2cluster();
Sample code
#include    "ocrdef.h"
#include    "ocrco.h"
#include    "cjocrprim.h"
#include    "errcode.h"
// Initialize the library by specifying a 20-digit code supplied from the licenser or the path to the license code file
CJocrPrim* pjocrprim = new CJocrPrim("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQ23456");
// If it is the path to the license code, CJocrPrim* prim = new CJocrPrim("C:\\Program Files\\Foo\\primitive.kcd");
pjocrprim->msetdocument(mdata,0,mwidth,mheight);      // Monochrome image with background 0 and foreground 1
ret = pjocrprim->makeprim();
if(ret < 0) {
// 1... Makeprim using another instance pjocrprim1 for the image to be inserted
// 2... Use makeallprim2cluster to merge all primitives into one cluster
// 3... Insert the cluster at the specified position
int i1 = pjocrprim->medit_insert(1,pjocrprim1,pcluster,100,100);
if(i1 < 0) {
delete pjocrprim;
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2 Primitive Movement

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Specify the address of the primitive or the cluster that is a set of primitives to move the primitive or the primitive set (cluster).
You can also specify whether to reflect it in the original image. Even if the position overlaps with other primitives at the moving destination, they are separated as different primitives on the data.

// Move the primitive / cluster (It is better to use this instead of copy + delete since it is costly)
// Input
//  int         flag;       1...Reflect in the image data / 0...Do not reflect
//  PRIMITIVE*  prim;       Primitive (copying is not allowed as it uses addresses)
//  CLUSTER*    pcluster;   Cluster (copying is not allowed as it uses addresses)
//  int         left, top;   Destination of movement
// Return Value
//   0          Normal termination
//   Negative   Error
     int         medit_move(int flag, PRIMITIVE* prim, int left, int top);
     int         medit_move(int flag, CLUSTER* pcluster, int left, int top);
Sample Code
#include    "ocrdef.h"
#include    "ocrco.h"
#include    "cjocrprim.h"
#include    "errcode.h"
// Initialize the library by specifying a 20-digit code supplied from the licenser or the path of the license code file
CJocrPrim* pjocrprim = new CJocrPrim("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQ23456");
// In case of license code path, CJocrPrim* prim = new CJocrPrim("C:\\Program Files\\Foo\\primitive.kcd");
pjocrprim->msetdocument(mdata,0,mwidth,mheight);      // Monochrome image with background as 0 and foreground as 1
ret = pjocrprim->makeprim();
if(ret < 0) {
// 1... Primitive selection or cluster extraction operation
// 2... Move the specified primitive and reflect it in the original image
int i1 = pjocrprim->medit_move(1, prim, 100, 100);
if(i1 < 0) {
delete pjocrprim;
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2 Primitive Cutting (Width 0)

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Cut the primitive by specifying clusters and one or more line segments. In the case of cutting with a width of 0, it may not be visible in the image, but it is cut in the data structure. By moving or deleting, you can confirm that it is cut.

// Split cluster (Pixel data does not change. There is no visible breakage)
// (Note that this process is computationally expensive: Reinitialization is faster if there are many targets to split)
// 1...Copy the target primitive as a cluster
// Input
//  int         linenum;     Number of cutting lines
//  int*		px1;         Starting and ending coordinates of cutting lines (linenum each)
//  int*        py1;
//  int*        px2;
//  int*        py2;
//  CLUSTER*    pcluster;    Cluster to be cut
// Return value
//   0          Normal termination
//   Negative   Error

	int				medit_separate(int linenum,int* px1,int* py1,int* px2,int* py2,CLUSTER* pcluster);
Sample code
#include    "ocrdef.h"
#include    "ocrco.h"
#include    "cjocrprim.h"
#include    "errcode.h"
// Initialize the library by specifying a 20-digit code provided by the licenser or the path of the license code file.
CJocrPrim* pjocrprim = new CJocrPrim("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQ23456");
// If it is the license code path, use CJocrPrim* prim = new CJocrPrim("C:\\Program Files\\Foo\\primitive.kcd");
pjocrprim->msetdocument(mdata,0,mwidth,mheight);      // Monochrome image with background 0 and foreground 1
ret = pjocrprim->makeprim();
if(ret < 0) {
// 1...Cluster extraction operation
// 2...Cut the specified cluster
int		x1[1];
int		y1[1];
int		x2[1];
int		y2[1];
x1[0] = 100;
y1[0] = 100;
x2[0] = 200;
y2[0] = 200;
int i1 = pjocrprim->medit_separate(1,x1,y1,x2,y2,pcluster);
if(i1 < 0) {
delete pjocrprim;
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2 Primitive Severance (Gap Width 1)

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Severs the primitives by specifying a cluster and one or more line segments. With a severance of width 1, the cutting is visually noticeable in the image.

// Divides the cluster (no pixel data change occurs. No visible cutting on display)
// (Note: The processing cost is high. If there are many divisions, reinitialization is faster)
// 1...Copies the target primitive as a cluster
// Input
//    int         linenum;     Number of cutting lines
//    int*        px1;         Coordinates of the starting point and ending point of the cutting line (linenum for each)
//    int*        py1;
//    int*        px2;
//    int*        py2;
//    CLUSTER*    pcluster;    Cluster to be severed
// Return value
//    0           Normal termination
//    Negative    Error
    int         medit_sever(int linenum,int* px1,int* py1,int* px2,int* py2,CLUSTER* pcluster);
Sample code
#include    "ocrdef.h"
#include    "ocrco.h"
#include    "cjocrprim.h"
#include    "errcode.h"
// Initializes the library by specifying a 20-digit code provided from the licenser or a path to the license code file
CJocrPrim* pjocrprim = new CJocrPrim("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQ23456");
// If using a license code path: CJocrPrim* prim = new CJocrPrim("C:\\Program Files\\Foo\\primitive.kcd");
pjocrprim->msetdocument(mdata,0,mwidth,mheight);      // Monochrome image with background of 0 and foreground of 1
ret = pjocrprim->makeprim();
if(ret < 0) {
// 1...Cluster extraction operation
// 2...Sever the specified cluster
int     x1[1];
int     y1[1];
int     x2[1];
int     y2[1];
x1[0] = 100;
y1[0] = 100;
x2[0] = 200;
y2[0] = 200;
int i1 = pjocrprim->medit_sever(1,x1,y1,x2,y2,pcluster);
if(i1 < 0) {
delete pjocrprim;
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