ALIBVector Ver 2.0 user's manual

  1. Overview
  2. CAlibVector Class Overview
  3. New Features 2007
  4. Automatic Trace Options
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ALIBVECTOR Ver1.0 is a simplified version of the raster-vector conversion library ALVECTOR (released in December 1999).

It does not have the vector editing function of ALVECTOR (simple CAD function) and direct access to vector data structures, but all the main functions of raster-vector conversion can be used in a more user-friendly way.

  1. Extraction of the contour lines of planar shapes
    Extracts the contour lines (OutLine) and approximates them with polygons. Approximation can be done with line segments, circular arcs, or spline curves, and the accuracy of the approximation and the number of vertices of the polygon can be controlled by parameters.
    Automatic removal of small noise vectors is possible.
  2. Extraction of the center lines of line shapes
    Vectorizes the center lines of line shapes. Approximation can be done with line segments, circular arcs, or spline curves, and the accuracy of the approximation and the number of vertices of the polygon can be controlled by parameters.
    Suppresses the generation of disconnected lines, automatically integrates adjacent intersections, and suppresses the generation of unnecessary approximation line segments.
    Suppresses the number of generated lines by automatically connecting line segments at intersections of crossroads or T-junctions.
  3. Post-processing function
    A function that processes all polylines generated by vector conversion with the same parameters.

    Provides post-processing functions such as the above.

Operating System Compatibility

Compatible with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.
Also compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11 (added in 2023).
All libraries are written in ANSI standard C and C++.
Development environment requires VC++ (such as VS6.0, VS.NET2003/2005, etc.).
We also provide a C language interface for development in C, as well as a COM/ActiveX interface that can be called from C#, VB, VBScript, Java, JavaScript, Perl, and others. Please contact us for more information.

Table of Contents

Library File Structure

  1. DLL
    DLL Overview
    alibvector.dll Vector Library API (C++)
    Other Multiple DLLs Our Common Library (API undisclosed)

  2. Import Library for VC++
    alibvector.lib corresponding to alibvector.dll is required.

  3. Header Files
    Header File Overview
    alibvector.h Raster Vector Conversion Library
    errcode.h Error Code Definitions

Additional key files are required. Depending on the contractual agreement, there may be limitations on the available features, usage period, and machine usage.
Furthermore, the manual supply may vary depending on the contractual agreement, especially for low-priced versions.
Any APIs that exist in the header files but are not documented in the manual are considered unsupported.
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Class Library Structure

The class for raster vector conversion is CALibVector. After creating an instance and specifying a key file or a key string, you can call member functions for vector conversion and post-processing to retrieve information about edges and vertices.

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OverView of CALibVector class

Creating an Instance

The images processed by the CALibVector instance must be monochrome binary.
The background of the image must be bit0, and the foreground (such as area shapes or line shapes) must be bit1.
The coordinate system is an XY coordinate system, with the origin at
You only need to delete the instance to end it.


// Constructor
// Input
//  char*   code;           Full path of the key file containing the key code
//                          or the key code string itself
//                          Check for initialization success/failure using misinitrastervectorconversion()
CALibVector(char* code);
// Destructor
// Query if initialization was successful
// Return
//   1....success
//   0....failure (key file not found, expired, or no permission)
int     misinitrastervectorconversion();
// Clear the polyline (when loading a different image after conversion, etc.)
// Deleting the instance and creating a new one again doesn't incur much cost
void                mclearpolyline();


CALibVector* plib = new CALibVector("c:\\Program Files\\Foo/vector.kcd");
if(plib->misinitrastervectorconversion() == 0) {
   ;  // No permission
delete plib;
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Nodes and Polylines

The result of raster-to-vector conversion is returned in a data format called a polyline.
A polyline is composed of multiple line segments, and each endpoint of a line segment (corresponding to a vertex in the case of a polygon) is called a node.
Editing operations for polylines are only partially included in the simplified CAlibVector library. Editing operations are supported based on nodes as starting points, including the following:
  1. Select nodes within a rectangle.
  2. Delete selected nodes.
  3. Delete polylines that include selected nodes.
  4. Approximate polylines that include selected nodes with arcs or splines.

The original library (CALVector class library) includes basic CAD functionalities such as searching for nodes near specified coordinates, moving nodes, inserting nodes, drawing polylines, circles, etc., and copying polylines. However, these functionalities are not supported in the CALibVector library. They are omitted for the simplification of the API, but there is a possibility of supporting them in the future if there is demand.

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Approximation Parameters

You can adjust the balance between the accuracy of vector transformation and the number of nodes (vertices) using approximation parameters.

By decreasing the approximation parameters, the accuracy of vector transformation increases, but the number of nodes increases.
By increasing the approximation parameters, the accuracy of vector transformation decreases, but the number of nodes decreases.
approximation parameters
The approximation parameters are the value of aΣF/L (where a is a constant) when F represents the area of the triangle formed by three points on the contour and L represents the distance between the starting and ending points of the three points on the contour. When the sum of these values exceeds the approximation parameters as the contour is scanned, a single line vector is determined. Since the area has a sign depending on whether the right or left side of the moving direction, even if there are small zigzags as shown in the center of the figure, it will be approximated as a straight line if the overall shape is mostly linear.
The optimization transformation in the 2007 version upgrade uses a completely different algorithm that selects the optimal combination of vertices from infinite combinations of vertices.
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Outline Extraction

Converts the contours of a planar shape into polylines using the approximation parameter and post-processing parameter as arguments.
As a post-processing parameter, specify:
  1. The maximum length of small vectors (whiskers) to be automatically removed
  2. The maximum number of line segments that make up a whisker
  3. Whether to split the vertices with the same coordinates belonging to different polylines into multiple vertices or integrate them into one vertex

When extracting the contours of a polygon, whiskers may occur in the contour portion and generate vectors other than closed curves. In such cases, the contours are extracted by excluding these whiskers.
(Supported in the 2007 version) By specifying a threshold value greater than 0 and less than 0.8, the "optimized contour extraction" will be performed.
In optimized contour extraction, all post-processing parameters are ignored. Since whiskers do not occur in the algorithm, there is no problem even without post-processing.


// Set document settings
// Input
//   int            width;           Image width (in pixels)
//   int            height;          Image height (in pixels)
//   int            scanlinesize;    Image scanline size (in bytes)
//   int            dpi;             Image resolution (in dpi)
//   unsigned char* pdata;           Get the address of the image's head
void                msetdocument(int width,int scanlinesize,int height,int dpi,unsigned char* pdata)
// Top-level contour extraction
// In the simple version, automatically removes whiskers whose length is up to 3 lines
// In the simple version, automatically performs the following post-processing:
//   Matching the start and end points within 0.3mm
// (Supported in the 2007 version) The presence or absence of arc approximation in post-processing can be controlled by arcflag.
// Note: If you want to control the above parameters, use mabstractcenterline/mabstractroutine // Input // double threshold; L2 approximation threshold (refer to the manual) // (Value greater than 0 and less than 10.0, recommended value 0.8 to 2.0) // int postprocessflag; 1...Perform additional post-processing // 0...Do not perform additional post-processing // int arcflag; 1...Perform automatic arc approximation (radius 1 to 1000mm) // 0...Do not perform automatic arc approximation // Return value // 0....Normal termination // Negative...Error (refer to errcode.h) // Contents of additional post-processing // 1...Automatic removal of adjacent nodes (vertex distance of 1mm, angular deviation of 15 degrees) // 2...Removal of unnecessary points on a straight line (angular deviation of 3 degrees) // 3...Automatic sharpness enhancement of corners (with images under the corner, targets up to 5 vertices, long side and short side both 2.0mm, target angle up to 45 degrees) // 4...Automatic correction of T-junction and crossroad (vertex movement distance up to 2.5 pixels, deviation from right angle up to 18 degrees) // 5...Automatic circle conversion (when the vertices on a closed curve are arranged 100% within an estimated radius of 0.85 to 1.15, move the position of the vertex to the estimated radius. // However, it is necessary for the vicinity of the moved vertex to have pixels within a distance of 2.5 pixels from the bottom of the target radius) // Note: If you want to manipulate the parameters of additional post-processing, set postprocessflag to 0 here and call the API with parameters for post-processing. int mabstractoutlinesimple(double threshold,int postprocessflag,int arcflag = 1); // API to specify all preprocessing parameters, // Call the API for post-processing for post-processing int mabstractoutline(double threshold, // (Value greater than 0 and less than 10.0, recommended value 0.8 to 2.0) int higelength, // Length of whiskers to be removed (in pixels, not removed if 0) int higelinenum, // In a open curve, sections with a maximum of higelinenum line segments connected are targeted for removal // Most of them become closed curves in contour extraction, but whiskers occur when there is a line with a width of 1 pixel double integratedist); // If the distance between the start and end points of a polyline is less than or equal to integratedist, match the start and end points // When approximating a closed curve, vertices may occur near the end point by going around from the start point // Normally, the distance between the start and end points is large enough, so this is a kind of insurance. // A value of about 3 pixels can be specified for integratedist.

sample code

// Notify the width(mwidth), scanline size(mscanlinesize), height(mheight), resolution(mdpi), and base address(mdata) of the image
// CALibVector::plib
#include "alibvector.h"
#include "errcode.h"
plib->msetdocument(mwidth, mscanlinesize, mheight, mdpi, mdata);
// Extract contours with no default preprocessing or postprocessing
int i1 = plib->mabstractoutlinesimple(2.0,0);
if(i1 < 0) {
    // Error;

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Extraction of Core Line

Converts the core line of a line drawing to a polyline, taking the approximation parameter and post-processing parameter as arguments.
As post-processing parameters, specify:
  1. The maximum distance between endpoints when automatically connecting disjointed polylines.
  2. The angular deviation between the disconnected edges to be connected.
  3. The maximum distance between intersecting points when integrating adjacent intersections.

(Supported in the 2007 version) When specifying a threshold value greater than 0 and less than 0.8, it executes "optimized core line extraction". This provides more accurate conversion compared to when the threshold value is 0.8.


// Set document settings Reference for contour extraction
void msetdocument(int width, int scanlinesize, int height, int dpi, unsigned char* pdata)
// Top-level core line extraction
// In the simplified version, the following preprocessing is automatically executed:
// - Automatic removal of whiskers with a length of 2 pixels or less
// In the simplified version, the following post-processing is automatically executed:
// - Automatic connection of endpoints within 1mm (angle deviation up to 90 degrees)
// - Automatic connection of endpoints within 3mm (angle deviation up to 40 degrees)
// - No integration of closely located intersection points
// Note: If you want to control the above parameters, use mabstractcenterline/mabstractroutine
// (Supported in the 2007 version) Joint presence in post-processing can now be controlled with jointflag.
// Input: // double threshold: L2 approximation threshold (refer to the manual) // (Value should be greater than 0 and less than 10.0, recommended value: 0.8 to 2.0) // int postprocessflag: 1... Perform additional post-processing // 0... Do not perform additional post-processing // int jointflag: 1... Automatic joint (connecting adjacent endpoints on a straight line) // 0... Do not perform automatic joint // Return: // 0... Normal completion // Negative number... Error (refer to errcode.h) // Content of additional post-processing: // 1... Automatic removal of close proximity nodes (vertex distance of 1mm, angle deviation of 15 degrees) // 2... Removal of unnecessary points on a straight line (angle deviation of 3 degrees) // 3... Automatic sharpening of corners (image below the corner, target: up to 5 vertices, both long side and short side are 2.0mm, angle up to 45 degrees) // 4... Automatic T-junction and crossroad correction (vertex movement distance of up to 2.5 pixels, deviation of 18 degrees from right angle) // 5... Isolate processing (treat as two intersecting lines of →↑ instead of four lines of +↑→↓←) // Note: If you want to manipulate the parameters of additional post-processing, specify no post-processing here and call the API for post-processing with the specified parameters int mabstractcenterlinesimple(double threshold, int postprocessflag, int jointflag = 1); // API that specifies all preprocessing parameters, // Post-processing is called using the API for post-processing int mabstractcenterline(double threshold, // (Value should be greater than 0 and less than 10.0, recommended value: 0.8 to 2.0) int higelength, // Length of the whisker to be removed (in pixels, if 0, no removal) double autojointshort, // Maximum distance for automatic connection up to an angle deviation of 90 degrees (in mm, if 0.0, no connection) double autojointlong, // Maximum distance for automatic connection up to an angle deviation of autojointangle (in mm, if 0.0, no connection) double autojointangle, // Angle deviation of the two sides that can be automatically connected (in radians) double integratedist); // Maximum distance for integration of closely located intersection points (in mm)


// Notify the width (mwidth), scan line size (mscanlinesize), height (mheight), resolution (mdpi), and start address (mdata) of the image
// CALibVector::plib
#include "alibvector.h"
#include "errcode.h"
// Extract core lines with no default preprocessing or postprocessing
int i1 = plib->mabstractcenterlinesimple(2.0,0);
if(i1 < 0) {
    // Error;

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Post-processing - Tilt Correction

Tilt correction is performed based on the results of raster-vector conversion.
There are several methods for handling tilt, such as obtaining and correcting only the tilt during display and output, or obtaining the tilt, rotating the original image in the opposite direction, and performing vector conversion again.
As parameters for tilt correction, specify the following:
  1. Minimum length of the sides
  2. Minimum number of sides longer than the minimum length

If there are at least the minimum number of sides longer than the minimum length and the variance of the angle deviation from the horizontal and vertical angles of those sides is small, the angle deviation is outputted as the tilt correction.
When performing raster-vector conversion again based on the rotated raster, it is important to note that the image quality may slightly degrade due to the rotation of the raster.
Use algorithms with minimal image quality degradation, such as bilinear or bicubic interpolation.

Tilt Correction
For example, if the minimum number of sides is 4 and there are 4 sides that are nearly horizontal or vertical as shown in the above figure, all having almost the same angle deviation from the horizontal and vertical angles, the average of those angles is considered as the tilt.


// Tilt detection and correction
// Input
//  double      angle1;         Collect edges close to 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° (within ±angle1 radians)
//  double      angle2;         Standard deviation of collected edge tilts (in radians)
//  double      threshold;      Length of edges to be collected (in pixels)
//  int         leastnum;       Number of edges to be collected (if at least leastnum edges are collected, calculate tilt)
// Output
//  double      *angle;          Tilt
// Return Value
//  1....Normal termination
//  0....Unable to obtain tilt due to conditions not being met
int                 mhorizontalize(double angle1, double angle2, double threshold, int leastnum, double& angle);


// Tilt correction
// Estimate and acquire tilt when the number of edges with a length of 12.7mm or more in the range of ±5 degrees from vertical and horizontal is 2 or more and standard deviation is 0.5 degrees or less
// PAI is the mathematical constant pi (3.14159265358979...)
// dpi is the resolution for converting from mm to pixels
// CALibVector::plib
double angle;    // The acquired tilt
int i1 = plib->mhorizontalize(5 * PAI / 180,0.5 * PAI / 180,12.7 * dpi / 25.4,2,angle);
if(i1 == 1) {
    ;   // Processing such as image rotation

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Post-processing - Removal of nearby vertices

All polylines are subject to the removal of nearby vertices. In this operation, the following parameters are specified:
  1. Distance between vertices
  2. Maximum angle formed by edges at vertices

Vertices that are close to each other within the range of 0 to the maximum angle are targeted for removal.
Removal of nearby vertices
In the above diagram, due to the angle formed by vector 12 and vector 23 being less than or equal to the maximum angle, and the distance between 23 being less than or equal to the distance parameter between vertices, vertex 2 is removed.


// Removal of nearby vertices (common for coreline and outline)
// Input:
//  double dnear: Maximum distance between vertices considered as nearby (in pixels)
//  double radian: Maximum angle deviation between 1→2 and 2→3 (to retain sharp angles even if the distance is close)
//                           □------□--□------□
//                           1      2↓3      4
//                                     ↓
//                           □--------□--------□
void mdeletenearpointall(double dnear, double radian);


// Removal of nearby vertices, within 1mm and 15 degrees
// CALibVector::plib
plib->mdeletenearpointall(1 * dpi / 25.4, 15 * PAI / 180);

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Post-processing - Removal of unnecessary vertices on the same straight line

Remove unnecessary vertices on the same straight line for all polylines. In this operation, specify the angle deviation at the vertex as a parameter.
  1. Angle deviation at the vertex
Removal of unnecessary vertices on the same straight line In the figure above, vertex 2 is removed because the angle between vector 12 and vector 23 is less than or equal to the specified angle deviation parameter.


// Removal of excessive points on a straight line (common for core lines and contours)
// □------□------□
// 1      2      3
//         ↓
// □--------------□
// Input
//    double angle;       Angle between 1→2 and 2→3 (unit: radians)
//    double probelen;    Check if the foot of the perpendicular dropped from 2 to 1→3 is on the foreground color of the raster
//                        If bit1 is within probelen pixels from the foot of the perpendicular, it is considered OK
void                mdeletewastepointall(double angle,double probelen);


// Removal of excessive points on a straight line, within 1.5 pixels and an angle of 3 degrees or less
// CALibVector::plib
plib->mdeletenearpointall(3 * PAI / 180,1.5);

Table of Contents

Post-processing - Corner Sharpening

Sharpens corners for all polylines. When the precision parameter is prioritized, multiple nodes may be generated in the corner section. This operation merges such corner nodes into one. You can specify the following parameters:
  1. Number of nodes in the corner section
  2. Maximum sum of distances between nodes in the corner section
  3. Minimum length of edges in the straight sections before and after the corner
  4. Minimum angle formed by the straight sections before and after the corner
  5. Enable/disable pixel check when merging corner nodes

You can also perform corner sharpening only for specified corners that include the specified nodes.
Corner Sharpening
In the above diagram, there are three possible numbers of nodes in the corner section: 2, 3, and 4. The angle formed by vector 12 and vector 45 is within the range of 180 degrees specified by the minimum angle parameter. The lengths of vector 12 and vector 45 are both greater than or equal to the minimum length of edges in the straight sections before and after the corner, and the sum of the lengths of vector 23 and vector 34 is less than or equal to the maximum sum of distances between nodes in the corner section. Therefore, the three vertices of the corner, 2, 3, and 4, can be removed, and a new vertex 6 can be created at the intersection of the extension lines of vector 12 and vector 54. If there is no pixel check, the presence of contour or skeleton images near vertex 6 is not required.
The first argument, forceflag, used to be either 0 or 1, but in the 2007 version upgrade, you can now specify 2 and 3 as the first argument. In the original version where 1 was used, it was necessary for pixels to exist below the newly created node, but in 2, pixel check is performed within a radius of 1 pixel in the skeleton/contour image, and in 3, pixel check is performed within a radius of 1 pixel in the original image. The conditions for pixel check become more relaxed in the order of 1 → 2 → 3, making corner sharpening easier. Pixel check is not performed when forceflag is 0.


// Corner sharpening (when cnodenum is 4) (common for contour/skeleton)
//                                      O (newly created vertex)
//         Short side                  / \
//         O---O                      /   \
//        /     \                    /     \
//       /       Long side          /       \
//      /         \                /         \
// ---O            O---        ---O           O---
// Formats the acute angles based on the lengths and angles of the edges before and after the acute angles
// Inputs
//    int           forceflag;      Forces corner sharpening, ignoring probelen
//    int           cnodenum;       Merges up to cnodenum nodes into one node
//    double        longpixel;      The length of the long side in the diagram above (in pixels) should be greater than or equal to longpixel
//    double        shortpixel;     The length of the short side in the diagram above (in pixels) should be less than or equal to shortpixel
//    double        angle;          The angle formed by the two long sides should be less than or equal to angle radians
//    double        probelen;       Checks whether there are pixels in the shape in the range specified by probelen (in pixels) below the newly created vertex
// Return value
//    0....normal termination
//    Negative numbers...error (refer to errcode.h)
// Corner sharpening for all polylines
int                 msharpencornerall(int forceflag,int cnodenum,double longpixel,double shortpixel,double angle,double probelen);


// Corner sharpening, probelen is not ignored, long side is 2mm, short side is 2mm, angles up to 45 degrees are targeted for sharpening
// CALibVector::plib
plib->msharpencornerall(0,5,2 * dpi / 25.4,2 * dpi / 25.4,45 * PAI / 180,2);

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Post-processing - Circular Correction

Scan all polylines and approximate polygons (closed polylines) that can be approximated as circles.
If a closed curve with a maximum diameter is approximately aligned on an arc, it is reshaped into a perfect circle. For this operation, the following parameters can be specified:
  1. Maximum diameter for circle transformation
  2. Several values related to radius variance and pixel checks on the circumference as criteria for considering it as a circle.


// Fit a circle to a closed curve (recommended for contours. Can be applied to centerlines as well)
// Input
//    double    radius;        Maximum radius (in pixels)
//    double    varrate;    Nodes (vertices) on the arc are within *(1.0±varrate) of the estimated radius of the circle
//    double    fitrate;    If the number of nodes within varrate/as compared to the nodes on the arc is equal to or greater than fitrate, it's considered OK
// Return value
//  0....Normal termination
//  Negative...Error
int                 mfitcircleall(double radius,double varrate,double fitrate);


// Circularization, up to a radius of 5mm, all vertices on the arc are distributed within 85%-115% of the estimated radius
// CALibVector::plib
plib->mfitcircleall(5 * dpi / 25.4,0.15,1.0);

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Post-Processing - Intersection Correction

Scan all polylines and correct the parts that intersect at crossroads or T-junctions in a batch manner.
For crossroads, if they are slightly off from 90 degrees, they will be corrected to intersect at an angle closer to 90 degrees.

For T-junctions as well, if they are slightly off from 90 degrees as shown in the figure below, they will be corrected to intersect at an angle closer to 90 degrees.

In this operation, specify the following parameters:
  1. The maximum distance for the intersection and adjacent vertices to move
  2. The maximum deviation from 90 degrees for the intersecting angle of the lines to be corrected

Additionally, through isolation processing, lines that are divided into four lines at crossroads or three lines at T-junctions can be combined into two lines each.


// T-Junction, Crossroad Correction (Recommended for reference lines. Also applicable for contours, but meaningless)
// Crossroad shaping
//   │           │
//  \|/   →  ─┼─
//    │           │
//   │           │
//  ─┤/   →  ─┼─
//    │           │
// Input
//    double        amaxmove;    // Maximum movement distance of adjacent vertices
//  double        anglemin;    // Minimum angle of straight parts centered on the smallest intersection point (PAI - anglemin to PAI + anglemin)
// Return Value
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative...Error
int                 mcorrectCcross(double amaxmove,double anglemin);
// T-Junction shaping
//  ̄\/ ̄     ─┬─
//    │     →   │
//    │           │
// Input
//    double        amaxmove;    // Maximum movement distance of adjacent vertices
//  double        anglemin;    // Minimum angle of straight parts centered on the smallest intersection point (PAI - anglemin to PAI + anglemin)
// Return Value
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative...Error
int                 mcorrectTcross(double amaxmove,double anglemin);
// Isolate processing (Recommended for reference lines. Also applicable for contours, but meaningless)
//   Processing to convert four lines intersecting at a crossroad into two intersecting lines, represented as →↑, and
//     three lines intersecting at a T-junction into two T-shaped intersecting lines, represented as →↓. The angle deviation between the connecting lines should be within 30 degrees.
// Return Value
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative...Error
int                 misolatepolyline();


// Intersection correction - movement of 0.15mm, up to 15 degrees of deviation from vertical and horizontal intersections
// CALibVector::plib
plib->mcorrectTcross(0.15 * dpi / 25.4,15 * PAI / 180);

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Post-processing - Spline approximation

Approximate all polylines collectively with a spline approximation.
Spline approximation is an operation to determine an array of spline interpolation points as attributes of the polyline, so information of the original line approximation or arc approximation is not lost. In this operation, you specify as parameters
  1. Spline approximation step count

The two nodes are spline-approximated with the specified step count. Approximation can obtain a spline curve that passes through each vertex of the polyline because it uses a cubic B-spline approximation.
In the vicinity of a curvature point, auxiliary points are provided to suppress the sagging of the spline regardless of the specified step count.
However, there is no guarantee that sagging can be completely suppressed. Please note that it is inherently impossible to use spline approximation on acute angles.

A spline curve that passes through the original vertices will deviate from the edges as shown in the figure below.

   Original polyline                          Spline approximation curve

Therefore, ALIBVECTOR adds auxiliary points near the vertices to ensure that the spline curve generated is close to the original polyline.

Information about the spline approximation can be obtained in two ways:

Of course, if needed, it is also possible to spline approximate without changing the original vertices.


// Spline approximation
// After conversion, obtain the coordinates of the spline-interpolated vertices using the specific API (mgetsplinevertexofpolyline).
// Input
//    int                splinestep;   Interpolate one side using splinestep points.
//                                     Note that if the connection with the front and back is complicated, the number of interpolation points may be increased rather than the splinestep.
// Return
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative...Error
int                 mconvertspline(int splinestep);
// Line conversion
// Convert back to line approximation after arc approximation or spline approximation (does not affect the acquisition of vertex coordinates, but affects the return value of mgetconvertinfo(int offsetpolyline)).
// Return
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative...Error
void                mconvertline();


// Spline approximation, interpolate between vertices in 10 steps
// CALibVector::plib

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Post-processing - Arc approximation

Approximate all polylines as arcs.
Arc approximation is an operation that finds the center and radius of a circle as the attribute of an edge connecting two nodes, so information about the original line approximation or spline approximation is not lost. In this operation, the following parameters are specified:
  1. Minimum radius for arc approximation
  2. Maximum radius for arc approximation

Arcs smaller than the minimum radius and arcs larger than the maximum radius will not be approximated as arcs.


// Arc approximation
// Get the coordinates of the start and end points of the edge with bulging information using the API (mgetsideofpolyline)
// Input
//     double            aminradius;        Minimum radius for arc approximation (arc with radius smaller than the minimum radius is not targeted) (unit: pixels)
//     double            amaxradius;        Maximum radius for arc approximation (arc with radius larger than the maximum radius is not targeted) (unit: pixels)
//                                          Arcs smaller than the minimum radius are closer to acute angles, and arcs larger than the maximum radius are closer to straight lines
//     int               checkflag;         Flag to check if there are contour pixels below the arc
//     double            checkrange;        OK if there are contour pixels within ±checkrange pixels when checking
// Return value
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative...Error
int                 mconvertarc(double aminradius,double amaxradius,int checkflag,double checkrange);
// Line conversion
// Convert back to line approximation after arc approximation or spline approximation (does not affect the acquisition of vertex coordinates, but affects the return value of mgetconvertinfo(int offsetpolyline))
// Return value
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative...Error
void                mconvertline();


// Approximate as arcs from 1mm to 1000mm in radius.
// Check if bit1 exists within 2 pixels from the center of the arc when approximated as an arc.
// CALibVector::plib
plib->mconvertarc(1.0 * dpi / 25.4,1000.0 * dpi / 25.4,1,2);

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Vertex and Edge Access

You can obtain the coordinates of vertices and edges of the converted polyline and display/output them (display/output is the responsibility of the library user).
Basically, you obtain the total number of polylines and then obtain a list of vertices or edges for each polyline.
You can also obtain whether each vertex pair is connected by an arc or a line as an attribute of the edge. If it is approximated by an arc, you need to obtain a list of edges instead of a list of vertices.
If you are spline-approximating a polyline, you obtain a list of polyline interpolation points for each polyline, instead of a list of vertices.
You can also obtain a list of vertices approximated by line segments for a spline-approximated curve in reverse.

  1. Display
    For polygon approximation, you use a line drawing API to draw lines between each node (vertex).
    For arc approximation, you use an arc drawing API with the starting and ending coordinates and the center coordinates and radius information to draw the arcs.
    For spline approximation, you use a line drawing API to draw line segments between the vertices in the reversed order of the curves.
  2. dxf Output
    For polygon approximation, you output each node (vertex) pair using LINE entity/POLYLINE entity.
    For arc approximation, you output the starting and ending coordinates and the center coordinates, and recalculate the bulge value to output using POLYLINE entity.
    If the radius of the arc approximation is extremely small or large, it becomes a straight line instead of an arc, so it is output as a straight line.
    For spline approximation, you output the polyline interpolation points as a SPLINE entity.
    You can also choose to output the spline vertex list as LINE/POLYLINE entity.
    Depending on the purpose, you can also output the vertices as SPLINE entity directly.


// 1. Get the number of polylines
// Return value
//   Number of polylines
    int mgetpolylinenum();
// 2. Access function for each vertex of the polyline (if you access the vertex, you cannot obtain information for representing arcs. It is obtained as a continuous line segment)
//       In the case of a closed curve, the starting point coordinates are equal to the endpoint coordinates
// 2.1. Get the number of vertices
// Input
//    int offsetpolyline: Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//                        Exception occurs if out of range is specified
// Return value
// Number of vertices in the specified polyline (0 if invalid polyline)
// e.g. In the case of a closed curve, the starting point and the endpoint coincide, so it becomes 5 vertices for a square, for example.
    int mgetvertexnumofpolyline(int offsetpolyline);
// 2.2. Get the coordinates of the vertex
// Input
//    int offsetpolyline: Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//    int offsetvertex: Vertex offset (0 to mgetvertexnumofpolyline(offsetpolyline) - 1)
// Output
//    int* x: Vertex coordinate (in pixels)
//    int* y: Vertex coordinate (in pixels)
//            Exception occurs if out of range is specified
    void mgetvertexofpolyline(int offsetpolyline, int offsetvertex, int& x, int& y);
// Get in mm units (using dpi information in msetdocument conversion)
// Output
//    double* x: Vertex coordinate (in mm)
//    double* y: Vertex coordinate (in mm)
    void mgetvertexofpolylinemm(int offsetpolyline, int offsetvertex, double& x, double& y);
// 2.3. Get conversion information of polyline (whether spline approximation or arc approximation is used, spline and arc approximation can be canceled by msetline)
// Return value
//    0....Line segment conversion
//    1....Arc approximation
//    2....Spline approximation
//    3....Arc approximation + Spline approximation (dxf output has priority on spline)
    int mgetconvertinfo(int offsetpolyline);
// 3. Access function for each valid polyline (edge information includes information for representing arcs)
// 3.1. Get the number of edges
// Input
//    int offsetpolyline: Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//                        Exception occurs if out of range is specified
// Return value
// Number of edges in the specified polyline (0 if invalid polyline)
    int mgetsidenumofpolyline(int offsetpolyline);
// 3.2. Get the starting and ending coordinates of the edge
// Input
//    int offsetpolyline: Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//    int offsetside: Edge offset (0 to mgetsidenumofpolyline(offsetpolyline) - 1)
//                    Exception occurs if out of range is specified
// Output
//    int* x1, y1, x2, y2: Coordinates of the starting and ending points (in pixels)
//    double* radius: Radius when approximating as an arc (in pixels)
//    double* cx, cy: Center coordinates when approximating as an arc (in pixels)
    void mgetsideofpolyline(int offsetpolyline, int offsetside, int& x1, int& y1, int& x2, int& y2, double& radius, double& cx, double& cy);
// Get in mm units (using dpi information in msetdocument conversion)
// Output
//    double* x1, y1, x2, y2: Coordinates of the starting and ending points (in mm)
//    double* radius: Radius when approximating as an arc (in mm)
//    double* cx, cy: Center coordinates when approximating as an arc (in mm)
    void mgetsideofpolylinemm(int offsetpolyline, int offsetside, double& x1, double& y1, double& x2, double& y2, double& radius, double& cx, double& cy);
// 5.......Function to access the 3rd order spline vertices of each polyline
// Returns a negative number as the number of vertices if the polyline is not approximated by a spline
// In the case of a closed curve, the starting coordinates are equal to the ending coordinates
// 5.1.....Get the number of vertices
// Input
//    int        offsetpolyline;        Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//                                Exception occurs if specified offset is out of range
// Return value
// Number of spline vertices for the specified polyline (0 if it is an invalid polyline (no need to output))
    int                 mgetsplinevertexnumofpolyline1(int offsetpolyline);
    int                 mgetsplinevertexnumofpolyline2(int offsetpolyline);
// 5.2.....Get the coordinates of the auxiliary points
//   In the case of a spline, they are returned as double values, so be careful
// Input
//    int        offsetpolyline;      Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//    int        offsetvertex;        Vertex offset (0 to mgetvertexnumofpolyline(offsetpolyline) - 1)
//                    Exception occurs if specified offset is out of range
// Output
//    double*    x;     Coordinates of the auxiliary point (in pixels)
//    double*    y;     Coordinates of the auxiliary point (in pixels)
    void                mgetsplinevertexofpolyline1(int offsetpolyline,int offsetvertex,double& x,double& y);
// Get in mm units (convert using dpi information in msetdocument)
// Output
//    double*    x;     Coordinates of the auxiliary point (in mm)
//    double*    y;     Coordinates of the auxiliary point (in mm)
    void                mgetsplinevertexofpolyline1mm(int offsetpolyline,int offsetvertex,double& x,double& y);
// 5.3.....Get the coordinates of the polyline vertices approximated by the spline curve
//   In the case of a spline, they are returned as double values, so be careful
// Input
//    int        offsetpolyline;      Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//    int        offsetvertex;        Vertex offset (0 to mgetvertexnumofpolyline(offsetpolyline) - 1)
//                    Exception occurs if specified offset is out of range
// Output
//    double*    x;     Coordinates of the vertex (in pixels)
//    double*    y;     Coordinates of the vertex (in pixels)
    void                mgetsplinevertexofpolyline2(int offsetpolyline,int offsetvertex,double& x,double& y);
// Get in mm units (convert using dpi information in msetdocument)
// Output
//    double*    x;     Coordinates of the vertex (in mm)
//    double*    y;     Coordinates of the vertex (in mm)
    void                mgetsplinevertexofpolyline2mm(int offsetpolyline,int offsetvertex,double& x,double& y);


// Drawing Polylines
// Implementing a method in the CScancalcDoc class that calls the CALibVector class with the same method name and arguments
void CScancalcView::mDrawPolyline(CDC* pDC)
        CScancalcDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
        if(pDoc->mgetimagenum() == 0) return;
        if(!pDoc->misinitrastervectorconversion()) return;
        int     polylinenum = pDoc->mgetpolylinenum();
        if(polylinenum == 0) return;
        CPen*   pen[12];
        pen[0] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(255,127,127));
        pen[1] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(127,255,127));
        pen[2] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(127,127,255));
        pen[3] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(255,255,127));
        pen[4] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(127,255,255));
        pen[5] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(255,127,255));
        pen[6] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(255,0,0));
        pen[7] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(0,255,0));
        pen[8] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(0,0,255));
        pen[9] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(255,255,0));
        pen[10] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(0,255,255));
        pen[11] = new CPen(PS_SOLID,2,RGB(255,0,255));

        CPen*   oldPen = pDC->SelectObject(pen[0]);
        for(int i = 0 ; i < polylinenum ; i++) {
                pDC->SelectObject(pen[i % 12]);
                if(pDoc->mgetvertexnumofpolyline(i) > 0) {
                        // Prioritizing splines
                        if(pDoc->mgetconvertinfo(i) & 2) {
                        else if(pDoc->mgetconvertinfo(i) & 1) {
                        else {
        for(i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++) {
                delete pen[i];
void CScancalcView::mDrawPolyline1(CDC* pDC,int offset)
        CScancalcDoc*   pDoc = GetDocument();

        int     sidenum = pDoc->mgetsidenumofpolyline(offset);
        CRect   crect,vrect;
        vrect.left = mscrollposx; = mscrollposy;
        vrect.right = (long)(vrect.left + crect.right / mag);
        vrect.bottom = (long)( + crect.bottom / mag);
        for(int i = 0 ; i < sidenum ; i++) {
                int     x1,y1,x2,y2;
                double  cx,cy,radius;
                if(mcheckvisible(vrect,x1,y1,x2,y2)) {
                        if(i == 0) mDrawNode(pDC,x1,y1);
                        pDC->MoveTo((long)((x1 - mscrollposx) * mag),(long)((y1 - mscrollposy) * mag));
                        pDC->LineTo((long)((x2 - mscrollposx) * mag),(long)((y2 - mscrollposy) * mag));
void CScancalcView::mDrawSpline1(CDC* pDC,int offset)
        CScancalcDoc*   pDoc = GetDocument();

        int     vertexnum = pDoc->mgetsplinevertexnumofpolyline(offset);
        CRect   crect,vrect;
        vrect.left = mscrollposx; = mscrollposy;
        vrect.right = (long)(vrect.left + crect.right / mag);
        vrect.bottom = (long)( + crect.bottom / mag);

        for(int i = 0 ; i < vertexnum - 1 ; i++) {
                double  x1,y1,x2,y2;
                pDoc->mgetsplinevertexofpolyline(offset,i + 1,x2,y2);
                if(mcheckvisible(vrect,(int)x1,(int)y1,(int)x2,(int)y2)) {
                        pDC->MoveTo((long)((x1 - mscrollposx) * mag),(long)((y1 - mscrollposy) * mag));
                        pDC->LineTo((long)((x2 - mscrollposx) * mag),(long)((y2 - mscrollposy) * mag));
        vertexnum = pDoc->mgetsidenumofpolyline(offset);
        for(i = 0 ; i < vertexnum ; i++) {
                int             x1,y1;
                if(mcheckvisible(vrect,(int)(x1 - 3 / mag),(int)(y1 - 3 / mag),(int)(x1 + 3 / mag),(int)(y1 + 3 / mag))) {
void CScancalcView::mDrawFitcurve1(CDC* pDC, int offset)
        CScancalcDoc*   pDoc = GetDocument();

        int             sidenum = pDoc->mgetsidenumofpolyline(offset);
        CRect           crect, vrect;
        vrect.left = mscrollposx; = mscrollposy;
        vrect.right = (long)(vrect.left + crect.right / mag);
        vrect.bottom = (long)( + crect.bottom / mag);
        for(int i = 0 ; i < sidenum ; i++) {
                int             x1, y1, x2, y2;
                double          cx, cy, radius;
                pDoc->mgetsideofpolyline(offset, i, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius, cx, cy);
                if(mcheckvisible(vrect, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
                        if(i == 0) mDrawNode(pDC, x1, y1);
                        if(radius > 0.0) {
                                int             x3, y3, x4, y4;
                                x3 = (int)(((cx - radius) - mscrollposx) * mag);
                                y3 = (int)(((cy - radius) - mscrollposy) * mag);
                                x4 = (int)(((cx + radius) - mscrollposx) * mag);
                                y4 = (int)(((cy + radius) - mscrollposy) * mag);
                                // The width and height of the rectangle must be between 2 and 32767
                                int             width = x4 - x3;
                                int             height = y4 - y3;
                                if(width < 2 || 32767 < width || height < 2 || 32767 < height) {
                                        pDC->MoveTo((long)((x1 - mscrollposx) * mag), (long)((y1 - mscrollposy) * mag));
                                        pDC->LineTo((long)((x2 - mscrollposx) * mag), (long)((y2 - mscrollposy) * mag));
                                else {
                                        // CDC::Arc is counter-clockwise and the center of the ellipse must be to the left of the direction of travel
                                        // If (cx,cy) is on the right side of (x1,y1)->(x2,y2), reverse the start and end points
                                        if(pDoc->mccw(x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,0.0) == 1) {
                                                int i1 = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = i1;
                                                i1 = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = i1;
                                        pDC->Arc(x3, y3, x4, y4,
                                                (int)((x1 - mscrollposx) * mag), (int)((y1 - mscrollposy) * mag),
                                                (int)((x2 - mscrollposx) * mag), (int)((y2 - mscrollposy) * mag));
                        else {
                                pDC->MoveTo((long)((x1 - mscrollposx) * mag), (long)((y1 - mscrollposy) * mag));
                                pDC->LineTo((long)((x2 - mscrollposx) * mag), (long)((y2 - mscrollposy) * mag));
                        mDrawNode(pDC, x2, y2);
void CScancalcView::mDrawNode(CDC* pDC, int x1, int y1)
        CPen    pen1(PS_SOLID,3,RGB(255,127,127));
        CPen*   oldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&pen1);
// Draw the rectangle
        x1 = (int)((x1 - mscrollposx) * mag);
        y1 = (int)((y1 - mscrollposy) * mag);
        pDC->Rectangle(x1 - 3, y1 - 3, x1 + 3, y1 + 3);
// Whether it needs to be displayed or not
// Inputs
//      RECT    arect;                          Display area in pixel coordinates
//      int     x1,int y1,int x2,int y2;        Link in pixel coordinates
int CScancalcView::mcheckvisible(CRect arect,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)
        // Calculate the coordinates of the enclosing square of the link
        int             cx = (x1 + x2) / 2;
        int             cy = (y1 + y2) / 2;
        int             width = x2 - x1 + 1;
        int             height = y2 - y1 + 1;

        if(width < 0) width = -width;
        if(height < 0) height = -height;
        int             sx1,sy1,sx2,sy2;
        if(width > height) {
                sx1 = cx - width / 2;
                sx2 = cx + width / 2;
                sy1 = cy - width / 2;
                sy2 = cy + width / 2;
        else {
                sx1 = cx - height / 2;
                sx2 = cx + height / 2;
                sy1 = cy - height / 2;
                sy2 = cy + height / 2;
// Check if any part of the enclosing square is within the display area
        if(sx2 < arect.left) return(0);
        if(arect.right < sx1) return(0);
        if(sy2 < return(0);
        if(arect.bottom < sy1) return(0);
// Parent class of the document class
//- Return value
//- -1... Point (x3, y3) is on the left side of segment (x1, y1)-(x2, y2) in terms of the direction
//- 1... Point (x3, y3) is on the right side of segment (x1, y1)-(x2, y2) in terms of the direction
//- Point (x3, y3) is on the segment (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
//- -1... Segment (x3, y3)-(x1, y1)-(x2, y2) is on the same line
//- 0.... Segment (x1, y1)-(x3, y3)-(x2, y2) is on the same line
//- 1.... Segment (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)-(x3, y3) is on the same line
int CALDataVector::mccw(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2,double x3,double y3,double zero)
        double          dx12 = x2 - x1;
        double          dy12 = y2 - y1;
        double          dx13 = x3 - x1;
        double          dy13 = y3 - y1;

        double          f = dx12 * dy13 - dy12 * dx13;
        if(f > zero) return 1;
        else if(f < -zero) return -1;
        else {
                if(dx12 * dx13 < 0.0) return -1;
                if(dy12 * dy13 < 0.0) return -1;
                if(dx12 * dx12 + dy12 * dy12 < dx13 * dx13 + dy13 * dy13) return 1;
                return 0;

Table of Contents

Save DXF File

This feature allows you to save the conversion result as a DXF file. You can choose the following options for saving:
  1. Save in DXF format with simple header or with R12 header.
  2. Output as POLYLINE entity or as LINE/ARC entity.

Please note that SPLINE entity is not officially supported.


// Save DXF file
// Input
//  char*       filename;           DXF file name (full path)
//  int         width;              Image width (in pixels)
//  int         height;             Image height (in pixels)
//  int         dpi;                Image resolution (converted to mm in the DXF file)
//  int         r12flag;            0...Save DXF file with simple header
//                                  1...Save DXF file with R12 header
//  int         linearcflag;        0...Save POLYLINE entity as the output
//                                  1...Save LINE/ARC entity as the output
// Return value
//  0....Normal completion
//  Negative number...Error
int                 msavedxf(char* filename,int width,int height,int dpi,int r12flag = 0,int linearcflag = 0);


// Save DXF file
// Save the result of raster-vector conversion of a 2440×1820 pixel, 400 dpi image
// to CALibVector::plib
int i1 = plib->msavefxf("c:\\data\\sample.dxf",2440,1820,400);

Table of Contents

Extraction of Core Lines (Extended Version)

This is an extension of the approximation parameters for mabstractcenterline.
As the existing post-processing parameters,
  1. Maximum distance between endpoints when automatically connecting broken polylines
  2. Angle deviation between connected broken edges
  3. Maximum distance between intersecting points when integrating adjacent points

As additional post-processing parameters,
  1. Flag for whether to treat adjacent points as (poly)lines
  2. Flag for whether to unconditionally connect nodes within 2 pixels of each other
  3. Maximum length of short vectors to be removed

can be specified.


  int mabstractcenterlineEX(double threshold,
      int flag,              // 0x00000000... Do not perform any special action
                             // 0x00000020... Perform integration of extremely close points (default is ON)
                             // 0x00000040... Generate 2-point short vectors (default is OFF)
      int higelength,        // Length of the whiskers to be removed (in pixels, no removal if 0)
      double shortvectormax,    // Maximum length of short vectors to be removed
      double autojointshort,    // Maximum distance for automatic connection within an angle deviation of 90 degrees (in pixels, no connection if 0.0)
      double autojointlong,     // Maximum distance for automatic connection within an angle deviation of autojointangle (in pixels, no connection if 0.0)
      double autojointangle,    // Angle deviation of the two edges that can be automatically connected (in radians)
      double integratedist);    // Maximum distance for merging nearby crossing points (in pixels)


// Notify the width (mwidth), scanline size (mscanlinesize), height (mheight), resolution (mdpi), and top address (mdata) of the image
// CALibVector::plib
#include "alibvector.h"
#include "errcode.h"
int i1 = plib->mabstractcenterlineEX(mapploxthreshold,0x00000040,       // Also generate 2-point short vectors
                                                                         // Do not connect nodes within 2 pixels
                           2,                                            // Remove whiskers with a length of 2 pixels
                           0,                                            // Do not remove short vectors
                           (0.25 * mdpi) / 25.4,                         // Connect broken lines up to 0.25mm apart (within an angle of 90 degrees, even if they make a right angle), converted to pixels
                           (1.25 * mdpi) / 25.4,                         // Connect broken lines up to 1.25mm apart (within an angle of 40 degrees, connecting those that are close to horizontal), converted to pixels
                           40.0 * PAI / 180.0,                           // Specify the above angle in radians
                           (0.5 * mdpi) / 25.4);                         // Merge two intersecting points within 0.5mm
if(i1 < 0) {
    // Error;

detailed explanation

The results of connecting dashed lines with the above argument are as follows:

Table of Contents

When changing 1.25 to 0.75, the dashed line intervals are about 1mm, so it looks like this.

When generating a 2-point short vector, an extremely short line is created as shown below.

When not generating a 2-point short vector in the case of 0x00000040 → 0x00000000, an extremely short line is not created as shown below.

Short vectors longer than 2 pixels can also be removed using the shortvectormax argument.

When changing the fourth argument to 0 → (2.00 * mdpi) / 25.4, short vectors below 2mm disappear and it becomes as follows:

In addition to the joints, there is also a flag to unconditionally merge two nodes within 2 pixels of each other. In the above sample, the flag is off, so it will look like this:

When changing the flag from 0x00000040 to 0x00000060, it will change as follows:

New Features in 2007

In addition to improvements in three performance areas - more than 5 times faster (from 2 minutes and 30 seconds to 27 seconds on Pentium-M 1.5GHz A0 and above), significant reduction of unnecessary vertices, and improved coordinate accuracy - isolated point conversion and dashed line recognition functions have been newly added.
Regarding the improvements in speed, reduction of unnecessary vertices, and improved coordinate accuracy, if using mabstractcenterlinesimple/mabsrtaceoutlinesimpe, they will be reflected using the same conversion API as before. In other words, it only requires replacing the library.
If using mabstractcenterlinesimple/mabsrtaceoutlinesimpe, improvements in speed and coordinate accuracy will be reflected using the same API as before. However, for the T-junction and crossroad correction API and the removal API for unnecessary vertices on straight lines, separate post-processing APIs need to be called. Also, for the proximity parallel line correction API, separate preprocessing needs to be called.
In mabstracecenterlineEX, which allows specifying preprocessing and post-processing using flags, if the corresponding flags are not changed, only speed improvement will be the same as the previous conversion. Coordinate accuracy improvement and others will be effective by setting the flags.
The first item explains the changes in flags.
Next, we will explain the APIs related to performance improvement, and finally, we will explain the dashed line recognition function.
Table of Contents

Extension of Conversion Flags

The flags for mabstracecenterlineEX have the following meanings:
int         flag,           // 0x0000031f...not disclosed in alibvector.dll
                            // 0x00000020...integration of very close points (previous version)
                            // 0x00000040...generation of short vectors (previous version)
                            // The following flags are used in the 2007 version update
                            // 0x00000080...vectorization of isolated points
                            // 0x00000400...end point extension processing
                            // 0x00000800...1-pixel diagonals
                            // 0x00010000...※ removal of unnecessary vertices on straight lines
                            // 0x00020000...※ removal of sharp whiskers
                            // 0x00040000...※ improved correction for T-intersections and crosses
                            // 0x00080000...※ coordinate correction processing
                            // 0x01000000...acute angle emphasis
                            // 0x02000000...acute angle emphasis with smoothing
                            // 0x10000000...※ correction for close parallel lines
  1. Flag for Isolated Point Conversion
    0x00000080...vectorization of isolated points
    Isolated points are obtained as vectors. Isolated points have the same coordinates for both the start and end points, and can be accessed like other edges.
  2. Flag for Coordinate Correction Processing
    0x00080000...coordinate correction processing
    Performs coordinate correction processing. Call the post-processing API as mtunevertex(0,0x0000000f,1,1).
  3. Flag for T-Intersection and Cross Correction
    0x00040000...improved correction for T-intersections and crosses
    Performs T-intersection and cross correction. Call the post-processing API as mtunecrossrepeat(3,(1.0 * mdpi) / 25.4,(2.0 * mdpi) / 25.4).
  4. Flag for Removal of Unnecessary Vertices on Straight Lines
    0x00010000...removal of unnecessary vertices on straight lines
    Removes unnecessary vertices on straight lines. Call the post-processing API as mwastepointrepeat(mwastepointangle * PI / 180.0,1.0) and mwastepointsimrepeat(1.5,0.75).
  5. Flag for Removal of Sharp Whiskers
    0x00020000...removal of sharp whiskers
    Removes sharp whiskers.

  6. Flag for Correction of Close Parallel Lines
    0x10000000...correction of close parallel lines
    Calls the preprocessing API as mparallelfilter().
  7. Flag for End Point Extension Processing
    0x00000400...end point extension processing
    Performs end point extension processing. However, it should be considered carefully whether to set the flag hastily, as not extending the end point may be more faithful to the original drawing intention.

Table of Contents

Preprocessing and Postprocessing APIs

  1. T-junction and Crossroad Correction
    Perform T-junction and crossroad correction according to the following specifications. "3" indicates T-junction, "4" indicates crossroad, and "2" indicates intermediate point.
    Each case is illustrated in the diagram below. T-junctions are compatible with each other, but T-junctions and crossroads or crossroads themselves are not compatible (possible to implement upon request).

    // Improved T-junction and crossroad correction
    // int          flag22;             Default supports 3-2 case/4-2 case
    //                                  bit0...Supports 3-2-2/4-2-2 cases
    //                                  bit1...Supports extended 3-2 case
    //                                  bit2...Supports extended 3-2-2 case
    //                                  bit3...Supports 3-3 case
    //                                  2 represents intermediate point - - intermediate point - -
    //                                  3 represents T-junction
    //                                  4 represents crossroad
    // double       tunecrossmax1;	    Maximum distance between nodes for 3-2/3-3/4-2 cases (in pixels)
    // double       tunecrossmax2;	    Maximum distance between nodes for 3-2-2/4-2-2 cases (in pixels)
    // Return value
    //  0 or greater     Number of merged nodes
    //  Negative         Error
    int             mtunecrossrepeat(int flag22,double tunecrossmax1,double tunecrossmax2);
  2. Removal of Unnecessary Vertices on Straight Lines API
    Remove unnecessary vertices on straight lines based on the following specifications.
    mdeletepointrepeat repeatedly applies the previous API, mdeletewastepoint, until there are no nodes to remove.
    mdeletewastepointsimrepeat checks if node "2" can be moved to the midpoint between "1" and "3" and removes the point if it can be moved.
    The point is considered "movable" if it is within amaxmode distance from the midpoint and there is a foreground pixel on the core line or contour line below the midpoint.
    A movement distance of about 1.5 pixels is the limit, and around 0.75 pixels is recommended.
    amindens makes movement less likely as it increases. The upper limit is around 0.75, and normally around 0.25 is recommended.
    // Removal of unnecessary vertices on straight lines
    // □------□------□
    //  1      2      3
    //         ↓
    // □--------------□
    //  double      angle;              Angle between 1->2 and 2->3 (in radians)
    //  double      probelen;           Check if the coordinate of the foot of the perpendicular dropped from 2 to 1->3 is on the raster's foreground color
    //                                  If there is bit1 within probelen pixels from the foot of the perpendicular, it is acceptable
    // Return value
    //  0 or greater     Number of removed nodes
    //  Negative         Error
    int 				mdeletewastepointrepeat(double angle,double probelen);
    // Remove if the maximum point movement distance is reached and the pixel density is greater than or equal to amindens
    //  double      amaxmode;           Maximum movement distance of 2 (in pixels)
    //  double      amindens;           Luminance value at the destination of 2 (0.0 to 1.0)
    // Return value
    //  0 or greater     Number of removed nodes
    //  Negative         Error
    int 				mdeletewastepointsimrepeat(double amaxmove,double amindens);
  3. Parallel Line Correction API
    Parallel line correction can also be achieved by specifying the flag of the extended conversion flags, but it can also be explicitly corrected using the postprocessing APIs. In this case, the original image specified by msetdocument is directly transformed and parallel line shaping is performed. It is recommended to use it when displaying the shaped image to the user.

    // Parallel line shaping filter
    // Return value
    //  0           Normal termination
    //  Negative    Error
    int					mparallelfilter();
  4. Expansion of the corner sharpening flag
    The first argument forceflag for corner sharpening could only take the values 0 or 1, but now it can also take the values 2 and 3. The conditions for pixel checking are relaxed in the order of 1→2→3, making it easier for corner sharpening to occur. 0 and 1 behave the same as before. In 2, pixel checking is done with a radius 1 circle in the core and contour images, while in 3, pixel presence is checked with a radius 1 circle in the original image.
Table of Contents

Optimization Transformation API

The accuracy parameter "threshold" of 'mabstractcenterlineEX/mabstractoutlineEX' used to have a maximum accuracy value of 0.8 (the smallest value). However, now it is possible to specify a value greater than 0 and less than 0.8.
In such cases, a raster vector transformation is performed using a completely different algorithm from before. As a result of applying the algorithm, vertices are generated so that all points on the approximated line segment are within one pixel distance from the centerline or outline.
However, depending on the post-processing, there may be cases where the vertices deviate more than one pixel, so caution is required.
The processing content does not change between the values of 0 and 0.8 (excluding 0 and 0.8).
If "0" is specified for the threshold value, an error will be returned. "0" is reserved for future use.
Table of Contents

Dashed Line Recognition API

Process to combine a certain number or more of "dashed elements" with a dashed attribute into a single dashed polyline when they are arranged in a continuous linear shape of "-" shape, "──" shape, "・" shape, or "└ ┌ ┐ ┘" shape. If a dashed element in the shape of "・" is included, it is necessary to set the isolated point conversion flag in the Expanded Conversion Flags.
// Dashed Line Recognition
//  int         aminnum;            Minimum number of dashed elements
//  double      amaxlen;            Maximum length of dashed elements
//  double      amaxgap;            Maximum interval between dashed elements
//  double      amaxangle;          Maximum deviation angle of dashed elements and gaps
// Return Value
//  0 or more    Number of generated dashed lines
//  Negative     Error
int                 mconvertdotline(int aminnum,double amaxlen,double amaxgap,double amaxangle);
To access each individual line element of the dashed line, use the API mgetsideofdotline, which is similar to mgetsideofpolyline.
Note: In dashed lines, unlike normal edges, arc approximation or spline approximation is not possible.

Dashed Line Access API

To determine if a polyline is a dashed line, use the return value of mgetconvertinfo(int offsetpolyline), which has been expanded. Specifically, if the return value is 4, it is a dashed line.
In dashed polylines, both the dashed elements (parts with shapes) and the gaps between dashed elements (parts without shapes) are returned as edges in the same way.
Whether it is a dashed element or a gap can be determined by the return value of mgetsideofdotline/mgetsideofdotlinemm.
The number of vertices for individual dashed elements is in the range of 1 to 4. A dashed element with 1 vertex indicates that the dashed element is a point. Most dashed elements have 2 vertices, but there are also dashed elements with 3 to 4 vertices that have curvature or intersect with other line segments.
// Get the start and end coordinates of an edge
// Input
//    int        offsetpolyline;    Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//    int        offsetside;        Edge offset (0 to mgetsidenumofpolyline(offsetpolyline) - 1)
//                    Exceptions will occur if you specify out of range values
// Output
//    int&       x1,y1,x2,y2;       Coordinates of the start and end points (in pixels)
// Return Value
//  1....Dashed element of the dashed line
//  0....Gap between dashed elements of the dashed line
    int                 mgetsideofdotline(int offsetpolyline,int offsetside,int& x1,int& y1,int& x2,int& y2);
// Get in mm units (using dpi information from msetdocument for conversion)
// Output
//    double&    x1,y1,x2,y2;       Coordinates of the start and end points (in mm)
// Return Value
//  1....Dashed element of the dashed line
//  0....Gap between dashed elements of the dashed line
    int                 mgetsideofdotlinemm(int offsetpolyline,int offsetside,double& x1,double& y1,double& x2,double& y2);
Table of Contents

Simple Editing API

A part of the simple CAD functions in the CALVector class library has been supported in the CALibVector library based on user requests.
The supported functions include selecting and deleting vertices (nodes), deleting polylines that include selected nodes, and approximating arcs with polyline deletion, arc approximation, and spline approximation.
Although functions such as inserting vertices or drawing are not supported, there is a possibility of supporting them in the future depending on the requests.
By using malibselectnode, you can select vertices within a rectangle, and you can check the selection state with malibisselectnode.
The selection state can be cleared using malibclearselectnode.
You can delete nodes in the selection state.
You can delete polylines that include selected nodes, and also perform arc approximation, spline approximation, and line approximation on them.

// Clear selection of nodes (vertices)
// Clear the selection state of all nodes
void				malibclearselectnode();
// Select nodes (vertices)
// Select nodes (vertices) within the rectangle (left, top) - (right, bottom)
// Return
//  Number of selected nodes (vertices)
int					malibselectnode(int left,int top,int right,int bottom);
// Reference the selection state of nodes
// Input
//    int       offsetpolyline;     Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//    int       offsetvertex;       Vertex offset (0 to mgetvertexnumofpolyline(offsetpolyline) - 1)
// 1....The node is in the selection state
// 0....The node is not in the selection state
int					malibisselectnode(int offsetpolyline,int offsetvertex);
// Return the number of selected nodes
int					mgetselectednodenum();
// Return the number of nodes
int					mgetnodenum();
// Delete selected nodes
// Return...Number of deleted nodes
int					mdeleteselectednode();
// Delete polylines that include selected nodes
// Delete selected nodes
// Return...Number of deleted polylines
int					mdeleteselectedpolyline();
// Delete all polylines
// Return...Number of deleted polylines
int					mdeleteallpolyline();
// Approximate arcs
// Get the coordinates with the API (mgetsideofpolyline) that obtains the coordinates with bulging information
// Input
//  int             offsetpolyline;     Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//  double          aminradius;         Minimum radius for arc approximation (Those that become arcs with radii smaller than the minimum radius are not targeted) (Unit: pixels)
//  double          amaxradius;         Maximum radius for arc approximation (Those that become arcs with radii larger than the maximum radius are not targeted) (Unit: pixels)
//                                      Those with radii smaller than the minimum radius are near acute angles, and those with radii larger than the maximum radius are near straight lines
//  int             checkflag;          Check if there are outline pixels under the arc
//  double          checkrange;         OK if there are outline pixels within ±checkrange pixels during the check
// Return
//  0....Normal termination
//  Negative...Error
int                 mconvertarc(int offsetpolyline,double aminradius,double amaxradius,int checkflag,double checkrange);
// Approximate splines
// After conversion, get the coordinates of the vertices that are spline-interpolated with the dedicated API (mgetsplinevertexofpolyline)
// Input
//  int             offsetpolyline;     Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
//  int             splinestep;         Interpolate so that each edge becomes splinestep.
//                                      Be aware that if the connection with the previous and next edges is complicated, more interpolation points may be added than splinestep.
// Return
//  0....Normal termination
//  Negative...Error
int                 mconvertspline(int offsetpolyline,int splinestep);
// Approximate line segments
// Return to line segment approximation after arc approximation or spline approximation (Does not affect the vertex coordinate acquisition, but affects the edge attribute and msavedxf)
// Input
//  int             offsetpolyline;     Polyline offset (0 to mgetpolylinenum() - 1)
// Return
//  0....Normal termination
//  Negative...Error
void                mconvertline(int offsetpolyline);
Table of Contents

Added in 2008

  1. Character, line, and area separation function
    Add a separation function for character, line, and area shapes, similar to the raster editing library.
  2. Partial shape conversion function
    Add a function to convert only shapes that are hooked to a specified rectangle (frame + interior) or are within a specified rectangle.
  3. Undo/Redo support
    Introduce APIs to capture the current state of the library in a buffer and reflect the state of the buffer in the library. This supports undo and redo in applications. The buffer content is in a relocatable format that does not include address information, so it can be used for file-based undo/redo or saving in a proprietary format without any issues.

Reference 1 (planned specification: character, line, and area separation function)
Separate the drawing into line shapes, area shapes, and character string shapes. Convert line shapes to core vector lines and area shapes to contour vector shapes.
First, separate the character string shapes using the amincharnum/amaxcharsize parameters. If amincharnum is greater than or equal to 10000, the separation of character string shapes is not performed. Separation of character string shapes is avoided when there are dashed lines, as dashed lines and character strings can be easily misidentified.
Next, separate the line shapes and area shapes using the maximum line width (linewidthmax) parameter.
Line shapes are converted using the same process as mabstractcenterlineEX, using the arguments that are equal to or below the threshold.
Area shapes are converted using moptimizeoutline. The argument for moptimizeoutline is set to 2 if the removal of isolated points (8-connected) / isolated holes (4-connected) is turned on, and 1 if it is turned off.

// Recognition of vector conversion for polygon shapes, line shapes, and string shapes
int CALibVector::mabstractbothline(
	double  linewidthmax,       // Shapes with a line width exceeding linewidthmax are recognized as polygon shapes
	int     amincharnum,        // Minimum number of primitives in a string (if equal to or greater than 10000, the string is not separated)
	double  amaxcharsize,       // Maximum character size
	double  threshold,          // Approximation parameter (a value greater than 0 and smaller than 10.0, recommended value 0.8-2.0)
	int		flag,				// 0x00000001...Joint at closest points;
								// 0x00000002...Joint at nearby points
								// 0x00000004...Joint at intersections
								// 0x00000008...Beard removal
								// 0x00000010...Integration of nearby intersections
								// 0x00000020...Integration of extremely close points
								// 0x00000040...Generation of short vectors
								// 0x00000080...Vectorization of isolated points
								// 0x00000100...Correction of TandT intersections
								// 0x00000200...Straight joint
								// 0x00000400...Endpoint extension processing
								// 0x00000800...1-pixel diagonal
								// 0x00010000...※ Removal of unnecessary vertices on straight lines (weak)
								// 0x00020000...※ Removal of sharp angle beards
								// 0x00040000...※ Improved correction of T-crossroads intersections
								// 0x01000000...acute angle emphasis
								// 0x02000000...acute angle emphasis with smoothing
								// 0x10000000...※ Correction of nearby parallel lines
								// 0x20000000...※ Removal of 1-pixel isolated points (8-connected)/isolated holes (4-connected)
    int     higelength,        // Length of beard to be removed (in pixels, do not remove if 0)
    double  shortvectormax,    // Maximum length of short vectors to be removed
    double  autojointshort,    // Maximum distance for automatic connection up to angle deviation of 90 degrees (in pixels, no connection if 0.0)
    double  autojointlong,     // Maximum distance for automatic connection up to angle deviation of autojointangle (in pixels, no connection if 0.0)
    double  autojointangle,    // Angle deviation for automatic connection of 2 sides (in radians)
    double  integratedist);    // Maximum distance for integration of nearby intersections (in pixels)

Reference 2
Apply automatic recognition vector conversion to some figures.
There are two ways to select figures: rectangle hook and rectangle inner. With the rectangle hook, the figures within the rectangle including the frame are converted. With the rectangle inner, the figures within the rectangle are converted, and the figures on the frame are excluded from the conversion.

// Convert the objects that overlap the inside and frame of the rectangle into contour and core lines automatically
// Input
//  double          linewidthmax;       Figures with a linewidth greater than linewidthmax are judged as surface figures
//  int             x1, y1, x2, y2;     Coordinates of the diagonal of the rectangle
//  double          threshold;...       Refer to mabstractbothline
// Return value
//  0.....Normal termination
//  Negative value....Error
int                 mabstractbothlinerecthook(
    double linewidthmax,       // Maximum line width
    int    x1,
    int    y1,
    int    x2,
    int    y2,                 // Coordinates of the diagonal of the rectangle
    double threshold, int flag, int higelength, double shortvectormax,
    double autojointshort, double autojointlong, double autojointangle, double integratedist);
// Convert the objects that are completely contained within the rectangle into contour and core lines automatically
int                 mabstractbothlinerectinner(
    double linewidthmax,       // Maximum line width
    int    x1,
    int    y1,
    int    x2,
    int    y2,                 // Coordinates of the diagonal of the rectangle
    double threshold, int flag, int higelength, double shortvectormax,
    double autojointshort, double autojointlong, double autojointangle, double integratedist);

Reference 3 (Undo/Redo support)

// Get the buffer size to obtain the current state of the library
// Return value
//  Buffer size (to be allocated by the application)
size_t              mgetsavebuffersize();
// Obtain the current state of the library
// Purpose 1: Implement undo/redo function
//         2: Save and load the current working state in a custom file format
// Allocate the space for the buffer obtained by mgetsavebuffersize() before calling this function
// Input
//  char*&          ps1;                The address of the start of the buffer to obtain the state (to be allocated by the application)
void                msavebuffer(char*& ps1);
// Specify the current state of the library with the buffer
// Input
//  size_t          len;                Buffer size
//  char*&          ps1;                Address of the state buffer
// Return value
//  Negative value....Error
//  0.....Normal termination
int                 mloadbuffer(size_t& len, char*& ps1);

Table of Contents

Automatic Tracing Options

The trace option is a feature that generates a polyline (a collection of connected line segments) that connects endpoints and intersections along the specified coordinates. The parameters that control the tracing behavior are similar to those used for contour vector conversion and centerline vector conversion. In the trace API, the input parameters are the coordinates of the starting and ending points. In the left diagram below:

When the automatic trace API is called with the starting point (X0, Y0) and the ending point (X1, Y1) as shown in the right diagram above, a traced polyline will be returned as shown in the left diagram below:
The number of vertices in the traced polyline is not necessarily limited to two, as shown above.
As shown above, a polyline with more than three vertices may also be returned.
Table of Contents

Automatic Trace API

Since it's troublesome to give conversion parameters every time you call the API in the Automatic Trace API, you should give the conversion parameters in advance.
The main body of the Automatic Trace API takes two coordinates, the starting point and the ending point, as input, and outputs the number of vertices and their coordinates in the polyline.
By the return value, you can determine whether the automatic trace ends at an intersection or at an endpoint. If it ends at an intersection, you can continue the trace by using the last point of the output polyline as the starting point and obtaining the ending point from the user's mouse operation, etc.
The output buffer px,py is a buffer in the library, so please back up px,py in the application side after the API call.

// Automatic Trace API
// Input
// double x1; Starting point x (specified by the user)
// double y1; Starting point y
// double x2; Ending point x (specified by the user)
// double y2; Ending point y
// Output
// int& vertexnum; Number of vertices
// double* px; Vertex coordinate array x
// double* py; Vertex coordinate array y
// Return Value
// 0....Success, the endpoint is an endpoint, specify another starting point for the next automatic trace
// 1....Success, the endpoint is an intersection, specify (px[vertexnum-1], py[vertexnum-1]) as the starting point for the next automatic trace
// Negative...Error
int mautotrace(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int& vertexnum, double* px, double* py);
Table of Contents

Automatic Trace Parameter Setting

The parameter setting for automatic trace is divided into two APIs as follows:
  1. Automatic Trace Parameter Setting 1
      Common with wire vector conversion
  2. Automatic Trace Parameter Setting 2
      Specific to automatic trace
Automatic Trace Parameter Setting 1
For automatic trace, some parameters are used in common with wire vector conversion.
The post-processing parameter is a parameter that specifies whether to perform the same post-processing as the wire vector conversion. Please refer to the extension of conversion flags for more details. There are only four valid parameters.
The approximation parameter is a parameter that controls the degree to which slightly meandering line images are judged as straight lines, as explained in this section. A larger value allows for greater deviation from straight lines.
The automatic endpoint connection parameter is a parameter for controlling whether to automatically connect endpoints to each other.
When specifying the starting and ending points of the automatic trace as shown in the diagram below

If automatic endpoint connection is disabled, the trace is performed as shown in the bottom left diagram
If automatic endpoint connection is enabled, the trace is performed as shown in the top right diagram.
However, if the distance between endpoints exceeds the distance parameter for automatic endpoint connection, the endpoints will not be connected even if automatic endpoint connection is enabled.

Other wire vector conversion parameters have appropriate initial values set by the system.

// Setting for Automatic Trace Parameters 1
// Setting parameters that comply with the core wire vector conversion
// Input
// Post-processing parameters
//  int             postprocessflag;    // 0x00010000...* Remove unnecessary vertices on a straight line
                                        // 0x00020000...* Remove acute angle hairs
                                        // 0x00040000...* Improved T-junction and crossroad correction
                                        // 0x10000000...* Correction of adjacent parallel lines
// Approximation parameters
//  double          threshold;          // Approximation parameter (the smaller the value, the higher the approximation accuracy, and the more vertices)
//                                         (values greater than 0 and less than 10.0, recommended value: 0.8-2.0)
// Automatic end-point connection parameters
//  double          autojointshort;     // Automatically connect very close end points.
//                                         Maximum value of the automatic connection distance that can be connected up to an angle deviation of 90 degrees (in unit pixels, if 0.0, no connection is made)
//  double          autojointlong;      // Automatically connect relatively close end points.
//                                         Maximum value of the automatic connection distance that can be connected up to an angle deviation of autojointangle (in unit pixels, if 0.0, no connection is made)
//  double          autojointangle;     // Angle deviation of two sides that can be automatically connected (in unit radians)
void                msetautotraceparameter1(int postprocessflag,double threshold,
	double autojointshort,double autojointlong,double autojointangle);

Setting for Automatic Trace Parameters 2
This API sets the parameters specific to automatic tracing. Although beard processing is also included in the core wire vector conversion, it is specified separately in automatic tracing.
  1. Beard Processing
    If the vector from the intersection point to the end point is less than ignorelength pixels in length, the vector is ignored and automatic tracing is performed.
  2. Intersection Penetration Processing
    Vectors that are connected in a somewhat straight line can penetrate intersections and trace.

  3. Trace Shortcut
    In the automatic tracing API, when specifying the next intersection point, a new trace normally starts as shown in the lower right figure.
    If the trace shortcut flag is set, automatic tracing will continue until the next intersection point, as shown in the figure below.

  4. Approximation of Arcs
    This is the same processing as described in this section. The meaning of the arguments is also the same.
  5. Circle Fitting
    This is the same processing as described in this section. The meaning of the arguments is also the same.
  6. Corner Sharpening
    This is the same processing as described in this section. The first argument is fixed to 3 in the version upgrade in 2007. The second argument is fixed to 5. The meaning of the other arguments is the same.

// Set automatic trace parameters 2
// Setting parameters specific to automatic trace
// Input
//  int             flag;               0x00000001...Cross intersection processing
//                                      0x00000002...Trace shortcut
//                                      See manual for details
//                                      0x00000004...Arc approximation
//                                      0x00000008...Arc fitting
//                                      0x00000010...Corner sharpening
//  double          penetrateangle;     Penetration angle at cross intersection (in radians)
//                                      Angle between the vectors just before and after the intersection (straight line if 0 degrees)
//  Automatic trace-specific whisker processing
//  double          ignorelength;       Ignore short vectors (length less than or equal to ignorelength) generated from branch points
//  Arc approximation related
//  double          aminradius;         Minimum radius for arc approximation (ignore arcs with a radius smaller than or equal to aminradius) (in pixels)
//  double          amaxradius;         Maximum radius for arc approximation (ignore arcs with a radius larger than or equal to amaxradius) (in pixels)
//                                      Parts close to acute angles have a radius smaller than or equal to the minimum radius, parts close to straight lines have a radius larger than or equal to the maximum radius
//  double          checkrange;         Check for the presence of pixels below the arc in arc approximation.
//                                      If contour pixels exist within ±checkrange pixels during the check, it is OK.
//                                      No check if 0.
//  Circle approximation related
//  double          radius;             Maximum radius for circle approximation (in pixels)
//  double          varrate;            If nodes (vertices) on the arc are within the estimated radius of the circle*(1.0±varrate), it is OK
//  double          fitrate;            If the number of nodes within varrate / the number of nodes on the arc is equal to or greater than fitrate, it is OK
//  Sharpening parameters
//                                      O(Newly added vertex)
//        Short side                  / \
//        O---O                       /   \
//       /     \                     /     \
//      /       Long side            /       \
//     /         \                 /         \
// ---O           O---   ==>   ---O           O---
//    double        longpixel;          Length of the long side in the diagram is equal to or greater than longpixel (in pixels)
//    double        shortpixel;         Length of the short side in the diagram is less than or equal to shortpixel (in pixels)
//    double        sharpenangle;       Angle formed by the two long sides is less than or equal to angle (in radians)
//    double        probelen;           Range to check if there are pixels of the shape under the newly added vertex (in pixels)
void                msetautotraceparameter2(int flag,double penetrateangle,
	double ignorelength,
	double aminradius,double amaxradius,double checkrange,
	double radius,double varrate,double fitrate,
	double longpixel,double shortpixel,double sharpenangle,double probelen);

Table of Contents

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