Automatic Nesting Library
Want to efficiently arrange multiple components of arbitrary shapes on a material
Want to automatically arrange components with high utilization on a material considering directional constraints such as fabric
Want to automatically arrange components of various sizes using holes and other features, ensuring high utilization

 ライブラリ価格表  利用アルゴリズム


Basic Functionality

Automated nesting part of the shoe design support system for the footwear industry has been generalized as a library
The shoe design support system has numerous achievements in the domestic and overseas footwear industry (ASICS Corporation, Adidas Japan K.K., ASAHI SHOES, LTD., Achilles Corporation, Mizuno Corporation, MoonStar Company, etc.)
Register nest target parts with API
Set material information
Set automatic nesting parameters (such as material price evaluation methods and limitations on component rotation angles)
Perform automatic nesting and obtain result coordinate list

Arbitrary Shape Material and Hole (Unusable Area) Configuration

Basic API places parts on rectangular members
Place parts of arbitrary shape before automatic nesting → Emulate materials of arbitrary shape
Place parts to hide the unplaceable area on the material → Emulate the unplaceable area